Thursday, January 4, 2018

This Photograph

This photograph’s never been taken
Nor has its story ever been written
This snapshot from here, observing below
While co-creating of how it will go

She approached me before she left here
With a proposition for me to hear
“I need help, I was directed to you
To help me with something I need to do”

I watched her, noticing her nervousness
Whatever this is, it’s causing distress
I truly adore this sister of mine
Our souls have bonded throughout all of time

“What I’m offering, for us, will be rough
You want to know not feeling good enough
Your desired challenge to overcome
Your life could start as the discarded one

“You see, my desire, to know heartbreak
Pressure to give someone I love away
To be forced to make a hard decision
Then free myself from an anguished prison”

I’d already perceived what she wanted
But part of her journey was to say it
“In the event I don’t turn this around,
Will you be my daughter I adopt out?”

I’d worked hard, my Earth-life was pre-designed
Her scenario worked perfect with mine
I hugged my sister, “Of course I’ll do this
I trust no one else to give me this test”

I missed her when it was her time to go
I watched her navigate her life below
Everything for my debut was aligned
A passionate moment at the right time

As my body was beginning to grow,
I visited often to say, “Hello”
I held my tormented mom in her dreams
While she lamented about losing me

The time of my body’s birth had arrived
I witnessed it from my home in the light
She’s not solidified her decision
My destiny had unclear direction

She closed her eyes, slipped into a deep sleep
Her sad soul ventured out in search of me
I’d been out doing my spiritual chores
When I saw her arrive through Spirit’s door

I laughed when she scolded me, “What the hell?
You’re supposed to be in the hospital!”
“I find it boring to be a baby,”
I said, “The Spirit plane better suits me”

She shook her head, trying to hide a smile
“Just know, this is how you’ll know you’re my child
Your dreams will show things before they happen
When intuition speaks, you must listen

“As you know, these are gifts I possess too
And to show my love, I gift them to you”
I looked at her, “Your decision’s been made
I know you’ve already sent me away”

With no more control, she burst into tears
“Your life is starting, you shouldn’t be here”
I hugged her, “We will always have this space
Promise me, we’ll meet often in this place”

She nodded, “Every year, on your birthday
Our souls will connect in this special way”
I tearfully hugged my sister good-bye
And journeyed to earth to begin my life

Although it has faded over the years,
This photo reminds me of why I’m here
My life provided opportunities
In abundance, of my lacking for me

Life kicked my ass and almost took me down
She came when she was no longer around
She picked me up, said, “You were there for me
Consider this my opportunity

“Don’t you ever forget where you came from
When I fell apart, you stayed the strong one
Thinking you’re not good enough is bull shit
You’re a spirit goddess, so act like it”

This last chapter is still being written
I’m working hard to give it a great end
As I tuck this photo back in my thoughts,
I’m grateful for the memory it brought

                                                            Jody Nelson