Saturday, February 11, 2012

Face Zoning

Yep, I'm just going to keep going. I'm on a roll today. A year ago I went up to Montana and got certified for face zoning. Nobody has really taken advantage of this amazing treatment so I would say they are so missing out. If you think "facial" you might be on the right track. However, zoning, if you haven't guessed by now, is so much more than streamline treatments. We are working on so much more here.

Face zonology focuses on imbalances and disturbances from mental formations which disturb the inner organs via the glandular system. Oh my gosh, this is an amazing finish to a back zone. Your face feels great and there has been so much released from your body. When I was finished with my week long class and had received numerous zones, my face looked amazing and I looked . . . wait for it . . . YOUNGER!!

So what I do is put you on my trusty table, play some amazing music to help you check out and I cleanse and tone your face. I do a zone and a tissue rejuvenation then I place a mask on. You get to have a nice hand massage while we wait for the mask to dry. Afterward, I take off the mask and do a aroma massage with delicious oils. Then, if that wasn't enough, I go up and distribute the oil into your hair for optimal results.

While my client is checked out, I then go to the feet and zone the face signals to seal the deal. Yep, it's pretty amazing. You just might have to check this stuff out!

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