Monday, October 28, 2019


Stuck in a hopeless situation
She’s calling for help between dimensions
How she arrived there, I’m starting to see
As a vision starts opening to me

She’s in a forest, which is no surprise
For that’s typically where vortexes hide
Obviously, she’s not been there before
For if she had, she’d know what was in store

This uncertain place, called the in-between
Where many unsuspecting souls have seen
Can feel dark and desperate, lacking all hope
Void of the vibrance of life they had known

Since it’s me who hears her desperate pleas
I’m aware this assignment is for me
Realizing I have no other choice,
I allow my mind to follow her voice

I’m observing her, though she’s unaware
As my form has not manifested here
For what Spirit is conveying to me
One must surrender before they can see

Though my soul is yearning to rescue her,
I can see, with that, no growth can occur
The storms roll through, denial then anger
Finally, softening to surrender

At first, I’m just a voice in her mind’s ear
One she’s not certain she believes she hears
Persistence is how I stay in this game
As she believes, then believes she’s insane

Then, each time she believes, she believes more
Soon, there won’t be disbelief anymore
At which time the darkness will fade
Replaced by light in this in-between space

Eventually, the door will open
Where she can enter a new dimension
A place where she will finally be free
And be the goddess she’s destined to be

                                             Jody Nelson