Saturday, February 11, 2012

Back Zoning

I just got back from Montana and got certified for back zoning. What the flip is back zoning? Well, I'll tell you. It's freaking amazing. It focuses on the imbalances and disturbances in the body from emotional formations with disturb the inner organs (that's right, the INNER ORGANS!).

It takes about an hour and you get to bliss out on my table while I work away on your back and finish off by gently massaging in yummy smelling oils that are custom blended for YOU!

Everyone, thus far, that has gotten off of my table says that they feel lighter. One client even said they felt like they were floating. How amazing can that be? Oh, and everyone of my clients says that it's BETTER than a massage. Wtf? Better?? Oh heck yeah!

Even my new friend that I got to zone up in Montana for my final exam (in front of my peers and my teacher so, yeah, I was a wee bit nervous) said that he felt amazing and loved my energy. Now, friends, that's coming from someone who got zoned in anything but ideal circumstances. Nowadays, you get soft music, dim lighting and quiet.

So, who the flip wouldn't just love on this stuff, right?

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